Will the star Betelgeuse explode in 2012?

Maybe-but if it does, no one on Earth will know it until 520 years from now. Yep, Betelgeuse is 520 light years from here and if God were to flip the switch on this , the second largest star we know of, in 2012, it would not so much as flicker at earthlings until the year 2572. 

Why the hubbub? I’m not sure. It seems we want to fabricate any reason to worry about our entire planet’s demise at every turn.  And that’s not a good thing, so why are we so obsessed with it? I’m almost convinced we simply want to frighten ourselves!

I’m guessing 2012 will come and go just like Y2K, the planetary alignment of 1982, as well other End of Days scenarios. Why? Well because of these words:

But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

That’s good enough for me.

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Published in: on January 21, 2011 at 2:33 pm  Leave a Comment  
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