2012 – The End of the World

Again and again I see someone predicting the end of the world. So far ALL of them have been wrong. Now, while it is likely that someday one of them will be right (I mean, this thing can’t go on forever, can it?), I doubt that it will be anyone standing in the prophet line in 2012.

2012 will come and go just like 2011, and just like 2013 and 2014, etc. The only thing about the 2012 end of the world, is that the prophet is not around to argue with or deride after his failure.

This whole thing has come down to us as a newly popularized yet old as time document that intimates that the Earth will simply run out of time at the Winter solstice of 2012. Maybe the Mayan copyist just ran out of paper…or stone…or papyrus…or what ever. Maybe they understood the cyclical nature of life in a way we don’t and this calendar is a graphic representation of it.

Or maybe not.

But I know that if I really thought that the world was going to end in December 2012, I’d spend a lot more time in prayer.

And I may just do that anyway.

For an easy to use e-book on prayer, go see  www.therealprayer.com .

Published in: on January 6, 2012 at 3:05 pm  Leave a Comment  
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